Saturday, January 22, 2011


Today at 2PM at Mister Tramps.
Need the following items:
Yesterday's newspaper (today's if there is anything about the cuts)
Yesterday's Educate Austin flyer
AASL and/or TASL elevator speech/talking points (we don't want to have to recreate the wheel)
AISD Librarian directory

If several people bring a computer that would be great too.

Leave a comment if you are able to attend, not necessary, but it would be nice to know.


Unknown said...

I could be there but only if a few other will be there, too. Wouldn't want to drive from somewhat far south Austin Slaughter and Manchaca without at least three or four of us being in attendance.

Unknown said...

I can be there.

O. Henry Library Blog said...

I just walked down to the CAC headquarters on 6th. There's a sign posted: No overnight camping allowed. Signup for Monday Night's Board Meeting begins at 7:45 am Monday. I can be there by 6 am. I will sign us up.
I'm not going to make it to the meeting today. I'm sorry.
I have contacted Arnold Garcia of the Statesman about running an op-ed version of my letter. I will post the draft to the list serv. I don't understand the concern that we can't speak openly about this issue. We can use the district email service for work-related business. I don't know what's more "work-related" than saving the jobs of 70 AISD librarians.

Trucks on Sticks & Tales from the Road said...

Debra B and Sara P have contacted me and they will be able there this afternoon.

Michelle said...

I'm sorry. I just checked the blog now. I've been at work all day trying to keep busy. Keep us updated. Thanks. :)