Friday, May 30, 2008

Equipment, Equipment, Equipment!

I didn't realize that there was going to be continual research of... search for... and addition of equipment to the bike. First it was the sissy bar. I agree it will be a great comfort, when I decide that I trust it and actually use it. It's a good solid piece that "K" purchased from (They were quick to ship and respond; overall a pleasant experience dealing with them.) It adds a little safety and stability for me, plus the luggage rack will come in handy for some of our longer hauls.

Then "K" had to show me the new deer whistles. These will hopefully alert deer of our approach. He purchased them at WalMart, but here is a quick explanation from "Save a Life" website.

Another WalMart find was a backpack that could be strapped to that new sissy bar that will hold the essentials for the day. This included the purchase of a cargo net and bungee cords to secure it to the bike. This is a temporary solution for hauling goods while "K" is still researching the saddle bags situation.

The next important purchase will be peg extensions for me. This will allow me to stretch out my legs, so that I can ride a little longer.

While there are still the auxiliary lights, windshield, and possible floorboards to consider... research... and compare... on the many motorcycle forums and chat rooms for motorcycle enthusiasts. We have the basics and are ready to ride.

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